Wednesday, April 13, 2011

9 Month Check-up and Pictures

Turner had his 9 month check-up last week. He was 19.6 lbs and 28.5 in., putting him in the 36th and 50th percentiles. He seems like such a big guy to me, so I was surprised by the percentiles, but I am comparing him to his cousin Benny who's rather tiny. Dr. K was pleased with his development all around and said he seems very bright and inquisitive. She said I'll have my hands full once he starts walking . . .I already do!

She also said I do need to let Turner have more finger foods and just to make sure I cut them into pieces about theh size of my pinky nail or smaller. So far he's had eggs, mixed veggies, bananas, olives, and graham crackers.

While I'm talking about T's development, he's also started drinking his afternoon bottle from a sippy cup. It's exciting for me and sad at the same time because he's growing so fast!

On another note, we had Tster's 9 month pictures taken at JC Penney last week and I wasn't super impressed with the experience. It was okay, but I prefer Portrait Innovations. They took a lot more pictures and had more ideas for poses and backgrounds. Also we get a cd of pictures from them. It was really expensive to get the cd from Penney's, so I can't put any of T's pictures on the blog or my facebook page.

I'm having trouble getting my pictures to download for some reason, so no pictures for now.

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