Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Another picture from the Turner archives. He was six weeks old in this picture, and it's too cute to keep to myself!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Best Buds

This is a pic from about a month ago, but I had to share! Daddy took this pictures of my two babies, Turner and Lucy the Pekingese princess. We had some concerns about how Lucy and Big T  might get along because Lucy has always been one very spoiled little dog, but as you can see, all is going well! 

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Mommy Wearing T Rex

This is the Moby Wrap I mentioned in the previous post. I know it may look like T's uncomfortable, but I promise he's not. There's been lots of publicity lately on the dangers of "baby wearing" because of a little one suffocating while in a sling. However, anyone who knows me knows I do my research, (Sometimes a little too much research!) and the verdict is that as long as you can fit a finger between baby's chin and neck, he's getting enough airflow. I check Turner often to make sure he's alright. In this picture he's in a cradle hold. He typically prefers the hug hold where he is facing me and resting his head on my chest, but since I live alone 5 days a week while Daddy works in Athens, there aren't many photo-ops for me and T together at home, so we'll take what we can get!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

One Month

This is Turner's "official" one month picture. My sister is going to take a picture like this each month so we can see how he grows. We've already done the two month shot, and I'll post it soon as well.

At one month Turner:

  • weighed in at a whopping 7 lbs!

  • ate 2.5 oz. every two hours

  • slept in two-three hour stints at night (Poor mommy!)

  • was not a fan of being put down. (Mommy learned how to do everything one handed.)

  • enjoyed being "worn" by mommy in her Moby Wrap

Friday, August 27, 2010

In the Beginning

Welcome to my new blog dedicated to keeping you up to date on my new little man, Turner, also known as T-rex, Turnersaurus, Big T, or, as Kellan likes to call him, "Big Teeth" (more on this later!) Turner is now two months old, and time is flying by! I thought I'd start our blog from the beginning, so here goes . . .

Turner Douglas Steffen    6/22/10    4:29 p.m.      5 lbs. 13 oz   20 in.   


Wink, wink! 

 Proud Papa and Grandpa Heiner
Checking out his mommy for the first time.